
Career Hub for Athletes & Military

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Industrial Placements
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Asset Management
Corporate Banking
Investment Banking
Real Estate
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Trading
Wealth Management

Your Career Transition Starts Here


Sign Up For Free

Create a profile in just 7-10 minutes, share your experiences in either sport or the military, highlight key skills developed, showcase your academic backgrounds, work experiences, wider interests & career preferences.


Explore Industries & Jobs

Browse the Knowledge Hub to learn about sectors and roles, and browse successful placement case studies. Access bespoke insights to better understand various industries, your unique proposition and be matched with your dream role!


Career Guidance

Navigate your career with confidence: access 1-to-1 consultations and downloadable modules, such as CV writing and interview skills. Take charge of your applications and explore recommended roles via the job board


Get Hired

Receive employability and expert career guidance to approaching assessment centres, and preparing to interview. Having secured your new role, our goal is for you to embark on your new position with confidence and excitement.

Say Yes to a New Exciting Journey with add-victor

57% of candidates we submit get an interview with our employers

Job Board for Athletes & Veterans

Explore job openings across the UK, from London to Edinburgh, Cardiff to Glasgow, Exeter to Manchester, as well as in Europe and America. Our employers, across a range of sectors, are actively seeking high-performing candidates so our advertised roles are selected to be well-suited for former athletes and military personnel.

Uncover comprehensive vacancy details, featuring insightful descriptions of 'Why We Like This Company’ and industry overviews.

Unsure about a role? Read Day in The Life Of from add-victor alumni, describing the transferable skills that facilitated their successful career transition.

Your Candidate ShopWindow

The add-victor platform was designed by and for athletes, showcasing the distinctive Transferrable Excellence forged through sport and military experiences.

Tailored for all career levels and stages, your personalised online ShopWindow highlights your unique skills and achievements. Whether at University or amidst an Olympic and Paralympic cycle, your ShopWindow evolves as you gain experiences—internships, leadership roles, sporting achievements, and more. Keeping your ShopWindow up-to-date will enhance your professional brand, paving the way for you to secure your dream job!

Career Gateway for Student-Athletes

Being a Student-Athlete sets you apart in a competitive graduate landscape. Employers today are focused on adopting a skill-based hiring strategy; combining sports with academics is the winning formula. Your sporting achievements, coaching experience, society engagement, and committee positions accelerate your development and employability.

Through our relationships with universities and our Club Sponsorship Programme supporting 50+ clubs nationwide, we deeply understand the unique needs of Student-Athletes. Whether graduating soon, or in your first year of study, make add-victor your best career ally, accessing free resources, workshops, and opportunities.

Testimonials from Placements

  • Harriet Mitchell Birmingham

    "Having studied Biochemistry and a not finance related degree, I found it difficult to transition into a banking career. add-victor provided me with the knowledge to bridge that gap, and showcased me opportunities suited to my skill set."



    Harriett Mitchell - Birmingham University to Corporate Banking | Hockey

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