add-victor’s Favourite Apps for Organisation, Productivity & Well-Being

Wed 1st Feb 2023

There is an App for everything in life! In 2008, the iOS App Store was launched with 500 apps; fifteen years later, there are millions of Apps available to download. As a consequence, today, we may blindly use our phones and apps, forgetting how much they play a huge role in the way we live our lives.

When it comes to organising our life and being efficient, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the colossal number of apps and tools available, all claiming to be the most efficient and optimal tool. While the mobile apps offer is very appealing, we must ensure we fully take advantage of the apps we use and not the other way around. 

We narrowed down a list of our favourites, useful apps that can assist you in your day-to-day organisation, all endorsed by the add-victor team or former athletes. The list is available to download on our Knowledge Hub (Knowledge Modules), and is divided into three inter-connected areas -Organisation, Productivity & Well-Being- that all have an impact on time management, and ultimately on achieving your personal and professional goals.

Setting yourself the organisational routine that suits your needs and lifestyle can be life-changing. It might take some trial and error as well as a bit of effort to spend the time to identify what exactly works for you, but it is worth it. 

Where do I start?

Your Needs | First off, organisation is personal. Start by identifying what are you looking for. What are you trying to maximise or improve. What do you need for that? Ask yourself some questions such as:

  • Are you looking to simplify the way you plan and schedule ahead?
  • Are you looking to use a calendar/diary system that you will actually utilise and regularly update?
  • Do you want to centralise all your notes, lists, sticky notes, and papers currently scattered in different places?

Your Style | Next step, identify your style; think about what you are currently using and rate what works for you or not; what should you keep moving forward? What does not work that you should stop and leave behind? You might realise that you prefer analogue non-app tools such as a pen and paper. Have you heard about the bullet journal? This is a great tool for organisation and self-improvement, unique to yourself, as you would write and organise a system that works for yourself. 

How can technology support you in this journey?

Now that you have identified your needs and your style, choose the app(s) that will support your organisational strategy. Many apps are excellent tools for time management, and as we mentioned previously, there is literally an app for everything - from the best note-taking app to habit-tracking through to all-in-one apps.

Additionally, we believe that organisation & productivity can only be achieved with a bit of well-being care, this is the reason why you will find in our curated list a few wellness apps to consider. 

Technology should be seen as a supportive resource for our day-to-day achievements. Make your phone your best coach/guide towards staying on track and reaching your full potential, turning it away from being a source of distraction!   

Access & Download the App List Here