Balancing Weightlifting, Royal Navy, & Academia as a Student-Athlete

Wed 3rd Apr 2024

Meet Alisa: A Royal Navy Cadet, Olympic Weightlifter, Powerlifter, and Cheerleader, currently studying a MSc at the University of Oxford.

We met with her to discuss some of the challenges and takeaways of balancing an Oxford degree with the commitments of both sport and service. Her story is a testament to the multifaceted achievements of a passionate, modern-day Student-Athlete. Similarly, discover another inspiring journey of Oxford student-athlete, Ella Stadler, learn about her accomplishments and challenges about rowing.


Seizing Potential into Olympic Weightlifting & Powerlifting


How did you get into Olympic Weightlifting? How does it differ from Powerlifting, and how do you balance the two?

“I’ve always wanted to try Olympic Weightlifting after seeing it on TV, but it seemed so technical and dangerous getting such heavy weights overhead. However, after competing in Powerlifting for a year, I gained the confidence to try the movements, and eventually joined the Weightlifting club whilst at university. Olympic Weightlifting is extremely frustrating, if my feet are a centimetre too far back, I might lose my stability and drop the weight in front of me. However, on the flip side, it’s also very rewarding. For example, learning ‘complexes’, drills that reinforce good technique, can be mentally and physically challenging but look and feel amazing when you get them right.”

Alisa recommends that beginners interested in Olympic Weightlifting visit the British Weight Lifting (BWL) website and look for a club or qualified coach nearby to get started straight away. 

While Olympic Weightlifting may prove difficult for new athletes to break into, Alisa highlights that “Powerlifting is a more accessible sport, it’s about squatting, benching, and deadlifting. It’s a sport of raw strength whereas Olympic Weightlifting is technique focused, where the aim is to pull the heaviest weights, you can up into the air, make them momentarily weightless, and get under the bar as speedily as possible.”


Military Service – Motivations, Challenges, & Rewards


What motivated your engagement in military? What challenges and benefits have you faced?

“I joined University Royal Naval Unit (URNU) Northumbria in 2019 as a fresher at Durham University”. Alisa attributes her interest to her father, an army veteran.

“My two years on the committee expanded my horizons, from being the Public Relations Officer to a Divisional Officer supervising around 15 Officer Cadets.” Alisa describes her time at URNU as “unique” and “largely filled with sport”: URNU stands out for prioritising academic pursuits and support in helping individuals reach their objectives. “I was supported when I represented the Royal Navy in Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and Swimming, as well as when I applied to Oxford University.”, notes Alisa. She highly recommends joining the Navy to anyone unsure or just curious about it.

“You get as much out of URNU as you put it and opportunities that a regular civilian would never get otherwise. I’ve experienced Baltic operations and had so much sea time seeing parts of the world I wouldn’t have and am so grateful for it.”

 Alisa Brown Royal Navy

Lessons Beyond the Gym & Seas – The Power of Athletic & Academic Excellence


What lessons has Weightlifting taught you, and how have they translated into other areas?

“Weightlifting teaches you resilience and persistence. You may fail weights that are significantly lower than your maxes if your head isn’t in the right place. It demands patience and a willingness to learn from feedback and mistakes”. She notes that these skills are transferable. A good essay requires thorough research, critical thinking, and openness to feedback for improvement.

Alisa is a high performer, and her simultaneous dedication to her sport, studies, and service is a stellar example of the fact that you do not need to sacrifice diverse passions to excel. Indeed, Alisa’s expansive skillset is central to her ongoing success in her sporting, military, and academic pursuits.

Alisa's story highlights the promise of student-athlete career development. As she balances weightlifting, Navy service, and studies at Oxford, Alisa sets an inspiring example for young talents. Her resilience and dedication pave the way for a bright future, proving that success comes from passion and hard work.