CV & Cover Letter Writing Workshop

A step-by-step guide on how to write a great CV & Cover Letter. This material supports the add-victor Tuesday Takeaways Series.

CV Writing

Download our CV writing module to understand how you can tailor your CV to highlight the key skills you have gained through sport.

Cover Letter Writing

A Cover Letter will further highlight your interest and fit for a role, which makes it a vital document when applying for roles. Download our template to see the tricks to a sharp Cover Letter!

Interview Workshop

Need tips to ace your next application and interview process? Learn the do's and dont's for interviews, and access practise questions for both the assessment and interview stages commonly used in graduate roles.

Networking Workshop

Networking is a critical tool regardless of what sector you go into. The ability to make professionally resounding impressions and connections with a variety of stakeholders will attribute to your career prospects and development. Download and explore some of our top tips!

Networking Master Contact Sheet

Tracking your engagements is a great way to stay on top of your networking efforts. We've put a spreadsheet together to make it easy for you to do so. Why not create a similar document for your applications!

GROW Model

Do you need help with goal setting? Access the 'GROW Model' to help turn your goals into reality. To understand how to implement the 'GROW Model', head to the add-victor YouTube Channel and watch the 'Creating a High-Performance Environment' Webinar.

Pre-Season Toolkit for Success: Time Management

Do you struggle to find enough hours in the day to balance your degree against sporting activities? This Presentation will help you effectively manage your time, recognising what activities are time-givers versus time-sappers. Receive a framework to break-down & plan your time, and the importance of achieving a blended approach.