Stay in the Know about Finance with the Podcast 'Thoughts on the Market' (Morgan Stanley)

Fri 6th Jan 2023

With millions of podcasts indexed on music streaming platforms, there is a wealth of informative and insightful podcasts for every subject! And Finance is no exception. If you are looking to evolve within the sector or simply stay up to date with the latest financial market trends, we strongly recommend listening to those topic-focused podcasts available out there. Today, we present you with a short, easy-listening podcast run by Morgan Stanley.

The American multinational investment management and financial services company, Morgan Stanley, runs a daily podcast called Thoughts on the Market

Thoughts on the Market provides short, thoughtful & regular takes on recent events in the markets. Each episode is between 3 to 11 minutes and cover a hot market update and features perspectives from leaders within Morgan Stanley. 

For sustainability advocates and/or information seekers about the hot topic of Sustainable Investment, we recommend the recent episode talking about the recent breakthrough in fusion energy technology, just here


Header photo credit: Photo by Laureen Missaire on Unsplash